SuperCluster Studio @ this years Best design week

We had a great pleasure to be part of the 2021 Best design week, and that our CTO Milos Pavlovic was the lecturer on the “Advanced Web Design” workshop.

This year’s Best design week was held at Megatrend University in Belgrade, from 17 – 24 of April. Students from all faculties of the University of Belgrade had the opportunity to participate in workshops and lectures by eminent lecturers in the field of branding, graphic and web design, digital photography, and video editing.

The aim of the project was to enable students to master the principles of design and branding, free of charge. Through interactive work with lecturers using software tools, students worked on the design of various products and topics during the six days of the seminar and thus reach the final design solution.



The Advanced Web Design workshop was planned as 6 days of work on redesigning an e-commerce website by student selection. Using the best practices for creating a good online shop, the focus was on user experience and the best way to create the assets for the development of that kind of website. The end result was to be a modern and modular e-commerce website.

The workshop covered everything from design thinking to advanced tools and the atomic design approach. The software we used for prototyping and designing was Figma, probably the leading UI design tool at the time.



All workshop participants did a great job and some of the results were really amazing since we had only 6 days to do such a big task. We are sure that some of the students will soon be our colleagues and probably the experts in the field.

SuperCluster Studio also received special thanks from the Best organization for supporting this kind of event, and it really meant a lot to us. We are excited to see this kind of design meeting happening in our hometown. We are hoping that the next year will be even better!